Lecture/Reading/Travel Schedule of Carl Djerassi




Jan. 6 - 14: San Francisco. Stanford University: Sophomore Seminar �Science-in-theatre: a new genre?� every Monday 6:00 � 9:00PM.


Jan 15 - 24: Vienna:


����������� Jan. 16:Biedermannsdorf bei Wien: Reading (17:45) from "Der Schattensammler: die allerletzte Autobiografie von Carl Djerassi" at HLW Biedermannsdorf (Perlasgasse 10) Lange Nacht der H�heren Lehranstalten f. wirtschaftliche Berufe with associated book distribution.


����������� Jan. 17 - 18:Salzburg: Lecture (Jan. 18, 16:30) "Sex-Reproduktion-Medizin in 2050" at annual Chiesi Pneumologie meeting, Hotel Jagdhof, Hof bei Salzburg, with associated book distribution.


����������� Jan. 20 - 21:Vienna: Participation in 11. Wiener Kongress com.sult 2014 with associated book distribution.


Jan. 20 (18:00): City Hall (Rathaus) Fireside Chat: �What makes us attractive for the best brains?�.


Jan. 21: Haus der Industrie, Schwartzenbergplatz 4


(18:15) Participation in panel �Migration�not a Threat but an Opportunity).


(20:00): �In dialog with CD� and Golden Arrow Lifetime Achievement Award presentation.


����������� Jan.24: Vienna: Discussion (10:00-12:00) with junior and senior history students of Wiener Gymnasium, 2. Zirkusgasse with associated distribution of DerSchattensammler.


Jan 25 - Feb. 11: San Francisco. Stanford University: Sophomore Seminar �Science-in-theatre: a new genre?� every Monday 6:00 � 9:00PM.


Jan. 30: Stanford University: Chemistry Department event (3:00PM, Clark Center Auditorium) "Beyond Chemistry: The last 25 years of a nonagenarian" with associated book distribution.


Feb. 1: Mountain View: Presentation "Early days of Syntex in Mexico" at Syntex Alumni association annual meeting Michael�s Restaurant, 2960 N. Shoreline Blvd. 11:00AM)


Feb. 8: Stanford University:(Cubberley Auditorium, 8:00PM) Performance of Insufficiency (directed by Chloe Bronzan) followed by post-performance Q & A.


Feb. 9: San Francisco: Discussion of polymathy, gentleman scientists, opportunity costs, specialization, and autodidactism to Stanford student Mutual Improvement Society.


Feb. 12 - 15: Lexington, KY: Visit to University of Kentucky.


Feb. 13:

Lunch talk "Academic entrepreneurship: Facts through Fiction" for business and academic leaders at Hilary J. Boone Center.

4:30PM public lecture: "Science on the Page and Stage" at Worsham Theatre of Student Center with associated book distribution.


Feb.14: Lecture ("The divorce of sex from reproduction: the new facts of life") at Transylvania University (3:30PM, Cowgill 102) with associated book distribution.


Feb. 15: University of Kentucky Drama Department, dramatic reading (directed by Nancy Jones) of INSUFFICIENCY (3:00PM) at Art Museum of the Singletary Center for the Arts.


Feb. 16 - March 6: San Francisco. Stanford University: Sophomore Seminar �Science-in-theatre: a new genre?� every Monday 6:00 � 9:00PM.


Feb. 27: San Francisco State University Chemistry Dept. lecture (11:00 � 12:15). �The Pill: Rise and Demise.�


March 7 - 9: Iowa City: University of Iowa keynote address 5:00 PM (�The Pill: Rise and Demise�) at literature/cultural studies symposium "Pill and Pen: Contraception and unwanted Pregnancy in global Literature and popular Culture."


March 10 - 18: San Francisco.


����������� March 10: Last Sophomore Seminar �Science-in-theatre: a new genre?"


March 19 � 20: Provo, UT: Lecture: The Pill: Rise and Demise.�


March 21 � 26: San Francisco.


March 22: Video Conference lectureGeschichte der Kontrazeption� for Merck/Sharpe.Dohme conference, Fuschl, Austria.


March 27 - 31: Vienna:


March 27, 28, 30: Performances of PHALLACY (Phallstricke) and EGO by Max Reinhardt Seminar graduates, 19:30, Neue Studiobuehne, Penzinger Stra�e 7.


April 1 - April 5: London. Start of rehearsals of Foreplay.


April 6 -20: Vienna


April 21 - May 11: London.


����������� April 23 - 25: Lincoln University:


April 23: 1:15 - 2:45 PM: Opening key note lecture (�What can the theatre do for science and vice versa�) at �Performing Science: Dialogues across Cultures� symposium.


6:00 PM: Great Minds lecture (in Co-op lecture theatre): "The demise of contraception: Sex in an age of ART (assisted reproductive technologies)."


April 24: 10:00 - 5:00 PM �Performing Science: Dialogues across Cultures� symposium


April 25: 10:00 - 3:30 PM �Performing Science: Dialogues across Cultures� symposium


7:30 PM: Foreplay premiere (directed by Andy Jordan) in Lincoln Performing Arts Centre


April 30 - May 31: Performances (19:15) of FOREPLAY (directed by Andy Jordan) at King's Head Theatre, (115 Upper Street, Islington).


May 12: Groningen: Lecture (May 12, 8:00PM), "The divorce of sex from reproduction: A shift in gender power relations," to Dutch United Nations Student Association (DUNSA) of University of Groningen with associated book distribution.


May 13 - 14: Freiburg: Lectures at University of Freiburg:


May 13: 19:30. Die letzten 25 Jahre eines 90-jaehrigen Workaholics," Aula der Universit�t.


May 14: 16:00 �Die Pille: Aufgang und Untergang,� H�rsaal des Instituts f�r Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften.


May 15 - 20: Vienna


May 19: Wiener Vorlesung (19:00, Rathaus): "Ein Leben zwischen Science, Fiktion und Theater: die letzten 25 Jahre eines 90-j�hrigen Workaholics.�


May 21 - 22: Bielefeld:


May 21 (19:00): Reading from "Der Schattensammler: die allerletzte Autobiografie von Carl Djerassi," at Universit�tsbibliothek.


May 22 (12:00): Brown bag lunch discussion �Science-in-theatre: ein p�dagogisches Experiment.�


May 23 - 27: Vienna


May 28 - 29: Fischbachau (Bavaria): Interview round table (Hotel Aurachhof) with students at decennial celebration of Gerhard Starck Foundation with associated book distribution.


May 30 - June 4: Vienna


����������� May 31: Weiz: Reading from "Der Schattensammler: die allerletzte Autobiografie von Carl Djerassi" at Weizer Pfingstvision with associated book distribution.


June 5 - 6: Innsbruck:


June 5: Lecture ("Ursprung und Zukunft der Pille: von Innsbruck �ber Mexico zum Vatikan") at Univ. of Innsbruck, 18:00..


June 6: Hon. doctorate conferment, 11:00, Arch�ologisches Museum, Innstrasse 52).


June 7 - 9: Salzburg.


June 10 � 11: Vienna


June 12: Odense: Plenary Lecture (�From the Pill to the Stage�) at annual meeting of Danish Chemical Society, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.


June 16 � 18: Mainz: Workshop (12:00) and Lecture (6:00 P)M at University of Mainz "Life Sciences - Life Writing: Grenzerfahrungen menschlichen Lebens zwischen biomedizinischer Erkl�rung und lebensweltlicher Erfahrung" with associated book distribution and honorary doctorate conferment.


June 18 - Aug. 11: Vienna.


June 28: ORF-TV:�Erlesen� Interview of Autobiography for broadcast on July 22.


August 12 -13: Fribourg: Lecture (��Jude��ein Begriff mit 6 Buchstaben) at Summer Academy of the Univ. of Vienna �J�disches Heiliges R�misches Reich� at University of Fribourg with associated book distribution.


Aug. 14 - 20: Vienna.


Aug. 21 - 22: Alpach: Presentation (Aug. 21, 22:00 � 24:00) at Alpbacher Technologie Gespr�chen with associated book distribution.


Aug. 26 � 28: Vienna.


Aug. 29: Cologne: TV Talk Show �K�lner Treff�, WDR.


Aug. 30 � Sept. 1: Vienna


Sept. 2 - 14: San Francisco. Rehearsals of Ego and Insufficiency.


Sept. 16 - Oct. 12: Vienna.


Sept. 25: Discussion (15:00) �Carl Djerassi, Sein Leben vor, mit und nach der Pille,� at H�here Graphische Bundes-Lehranstalt (Leyserstra�e 6, A-1140) with associated book distribution.


Oct. 13 � 15: France.


Oct. 14: St. Etienne:


Lecture (14:00 � 15:00) �The Divorce of Coitus from Reproduction� at Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering of Ecole nationale sup�rieure des mines de Saint-�tienne,


Lecture (18:30) and dramatic reading (with actors) of �La science au th��tre� at F�te du Livre of La Rotonde.


Oct. 15: Paris: Lecture (16:00) and dramatic reading of �La science au th��tre� in Amphi Jean Perrin, of Laboratoire de Physico-chimie des Rayonnements, (Campus UPMC, rue Pierre et Marie Curie) organized by Soci�t� Chimique de France.


Oct. 17 - 26: San Francisco. Z Space Production Premieres of Ego and Insufficiency at Z-Below theatre (every day except Oct. 20).


Oct. 28 � Nov. 1: Paris.


Oct. 29: Rennes: Lecture and dramatic reading (18:30 � 20:30) from �La science au th��tre� at l'Espace Ouest-France.


Nov. 2 � 6: London.


Nov. 3: Cambridge University:


13:00-14:30, William Mong Hall, Sidney Sussex College: Book launch of "In Retrospect: From the Pill to the Pen" by Carl Djerassi (Discussant Lord Martin Rees).

17:00-18:30, William Mong Hall, Sidney Sussex College: The Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Visiting Professorship Public Lecture  by Prof. Jacqueline Rose (Professor of English, Queen Mary College, Univ. of London) �Feminism and the Abomination of Violence.�


Nov. 7 � 11: Vienna


Nov. 12: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke Lecture (�Sex im Zeitalter der technologischen Reproduktion�Aufgang und Abgang der Pille�) at University Magdeburg (19:00, H�rsaal 1, Geb�ude 26 der Otto-von Guericke-Universit�t) with associated book distribution.


Nov. 14 � 30: Vienna


Dec. 1 � 3: Munich


Dec. 1: Lecture (19:00) �Paul Zion Klee in M�nchen: nicht-j�discher Jude?� in Institut f�r Kunstgeschichte, LMU M�nchen, Hauptgeb�ude, M 118 (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 M�nchen Maxvorstad) with associated book distribution.


Dec. 2: Lecture (17:00) �Cortisone and the Pill: an unusual Mexican connection� M�nchner Chemische Gesellschaft at Department of Chemistry, LMU, Butenandtstr. 5-13, Haus F, Buchner H�rsaal with associated book distribution.


Dec. 3: Lecture (18:00) �Die Trennung von Sex und Reproduktion. Moralische Wertvorstellung vs. gesellschaftliche Realit�t" in Center for Advanced Studies, Seestr.13, LMU M�nchen with associated book distribution.


Dec. 4 -20: Vienna.


Dec. 4 (Vienna): Reading (in English) from In retrospect: from the pill to the pen at Shakespeare and Company (Sterngasse 2, A-1010) at 7:30PM.


Dec. 5 (Vienna): Presentation (in English) of In retrospect: from the pill to the pen at Angewandte Innovation Laboratories; Franz Josefs Kai 3, 1010 at 6:00 PM with associated book distribution.


Dec. 6 (Vienna): Lecture (17:45 -18:30) "Die naechsten 50 Jahre: Ende der Kontrazeption?"at Kongress der Wiener Gesellschaft f�r Sexual Medizin, Jugendstielh�rsaal, Medizinische Universit�t Wien.


Dec. 12 (Vienna): TV (Wiener Sender W24) �Gerald Matt spricht mit� 7:00 PM in Herrengassenhochhaus, Herrengasse 6-8 (1010 Wien)


Dec. 21 -22: London


Dec. 23 and beyond: San Francisco