(Foreign language translations)


German: UNBEFLECKT, translated by Bettina Arlt. (book ISBN 3-251-00481-6)


Swedish: OBEFL�CKAD, translated by Lolo Amble (book ISBN 91-251-89388-06-1)


Spanish: Una Inmaculada Concepci�n Furtiva, translated by Marcela Pimentel (book ISBN 968-16-6718-2 )


French: Une immacule� Miss Conception, translated by Antoinette Monod and Geoffrey Dyson


Czech: Neposkvrn n�, translated by Alexander Kasal


Bulgarian: Neprochno e Netochno, translated by Haralampi Anichkin


Japanese: Translated by Makoto Tange


Russian: Translated by Alena Engelgardt


Portuguese: Translated by Paulo Matos and Lu�s Filipe Borges


Polish: Wielkie Nieporozumienie, translated by Aleksandra Szewczyk


Korean: translated by Hye-sun Park


Serbian: Silovanje pod Mikroskopom translated by Miroslav Pavicevic and Velimir Abramovic.